01 June 2009

A walk into the chennai central prison

These gates have numerable unheard stories to tell confined to the four walls and submerged in solitude.

Posted snaps were clicked during the photwalk whcih I went with the "chennai photwalkers". 

These deserted cells would have witnessed all kinds of emotions for ages. Now it gets ready to end its life, but the memories it carry live for times to come.  

This division of the prison was allocated for the foriegn inmates. As we expect this division doesn't have any special facilities. This separate division is made in order to avoid interaction between the domestic criminals and the international criminals. 

An info about chennai central prison - This prison was used by Britishers as a temporary warehouse to house the prisoners who were later transported to Andaman Jail via ship that hits the shore once in 6 months. That is the reason why the prison is strategically located near Chennai port. 

1 comment:

  1. The empty prison dorm ... my favorite !
    Why is this prison empty , no more sinners ? High hopes ... :P



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